Android 10 - doesn't show real-time processes.
Started getting full screen ads when the app wasn't being used. Y I K E S
Please can you put minmum auto end interval to 1 minute? 3 minutes are too much
Took me weeks to figure out this was the app putting full screen on my phone every time I unlocked it.
"Ending" tasks just takes you to the stock android "force stop" screen. When ending a task and refreshing the list, the task you just ended is still present. Just as mysterious as the android force stop so it doesn't offer any value IMO.
Remove button does not work. If you select multiple applications to uninstall it asks if you would like to remove the apps, I say yes and nothing. I have tried rebooting and checked settings. Running Android Pie with 6 GB of RAM.
A tad bit hard to use.
Started getting pop-up ads,finally identified this app as causing it. Uninstalled it immediately.
Can not locate/show a task that opens a web page not requested by user. Be nice to show last time and date used.